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4.2.3 Tools and Utensils
- Slaughtering lines, tools and utensils shall be clean, free from najis and used for the purpose of halal slaughter only.
- Slaughtering knife shall be sharp steel, clean, free from najis and used for the purpose of halal slaughter only.
- Bones, nails and teeth not be used as slaughtering tools.
4.2.4 Place of slaughter
Place of slaughter shall comply with the general requirements stated in item 4.2 .
- Pathway shall be convenient to verify for sanitation.
- Place of slaughter shall be comprised private entrance and manual or automatic hanging chain system.
- Automatic or moveable conveyer or other controlled by hand to make the process runs respectively.
- Permanent or moveable table and adjustable area for moving which are specially designed for cattle, goat and sheep to assist staffs to cut skin and arrange carrions and parts of meat conveniently and efficiently.
- Weighting area
- Washing and cleansing area of carrions and meat of the animal to be slaughter (Use high pressure water system, if it is automatic system to be better.)
- Hot water track that sufficiently provided in order to cleansing or purify dirty tools (ex. knifes, steel hooks), hands and washbasins with taps controlled by foot or knee with hanger of antiseptic container.
- High pressure purified water shall have sufficiently.
- The antiseptic shall be suitable to apply with halal food (it shall not contain haram ingredients such as alcohol contaminates food. (In case it cannot be avoidable, the agent as mentioned must be cleansed and washed according to Shariah law before commencement.)
- Slaughtering procedure and the next should be processed at halal food manufacturing area and this area shall be separated from other manufacturing lines.
4.2.5 Stunning
In case of necessity, should stun by electric and the animal must be alive prior slaughter as well as it shall be according to Islamic law related to animal welfare/accurate implementation of requirements and not put the pressure on or maltreat its. The mobile stall which used to move and control the animal to face Qibla at the time of slaughter is recommended.