1. The slaughtering plant should be Inspected and approved by our ICC for slaughtering of livestock according to Islamic Rites.
  2. The plant should be under the Ministry health inspection, has a current Grant of inspection and applies a HACCP program.
  3. The animal’s should not have been fed any pork ingredient or filth material.
  4. The animal’s should be healthy and free of diseases at the time of slaughtering . No processing of downers
  5. The following Halal slaughtering Procedure should be applied at the Slaughterhouse as submitted  by ICC:
  •  a- slaughtering of anima1s is done by an adult Muslim who recites a certain prayer (Bismillah Allahu Akbar); (by the name of God the most  gracious). If stunning used it should not be killing Of animals Instantly.
  • b- The slaughtering should result in maximum bleed out of the carcass
  • c- the animal’ just  be completely dead from the  act of slaughtering before any further  cutting or processing,
  1. There should be no slaughtering of pigs in the place. and the Halal must;)should not come in connect with any other meat or forbidden Material during any phase of processing, storage and shipping,
  2. the plant should have a good system of marking.
  3. ICC labels should be applied 10 the finished products bearing' establishment name and number; name Of product; added Ingredients;   if any. date of production .